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Codirected by Marie-Pier Luneau (full professor at the Université de Sherbrooke) and Jean-Philippe Warren (full professor at Concordia University), the Quebec dime novel project focuses primarily on romance novels, but also extends to the other sub-genres (detective, adventure, spy and cowboy) that make up the period’s publishing catalogues, in particular, those of Éditions Police-Journal, Éditions Irène and Éditions Bigalle. The project seeks to shed light on the phenomenon of dime novels, which swept newsstands, train station shelves and tobacco shops from 1940 to the mid-1960s. 

The Quebec Dime Novels Project

Research Tools

The team has developed tools to facilitate research, notably:  

The digitization of a large number of dime novels

Fact sheets on dime novels

Thematic lists of dime novels

A national and international bibliography on dime novels

Contact Us

Are you interested in questions related to gender, fiction, emotions, racialization, consumption and stratification? Are you seeking to understand the social function of popular print materials?


Do you have information on the history of popular dime novels in Quebec that could advance research in this field?


You can reach us by contacting:


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